

Enjoy your Freedo Reading

What details can you see in the body card? What do they mean? how can you connect them to your chosen word?

Your adventure begins here and now. There are many ways to go, only you can choose which path to take. Do you go through the mountain or over it? Which way is safer, and are you sure to find what you are looking for? Sometimes the path less travelled is the best, but the one most travelled is often safest. You may lose yourself, but then again, you may find yourself along the way. Is the risk worth taking, or maybe stay where you are. What-ever choice you make, you have the key to your dreams.
Repeat this affirmation slow & fast, for as long as you want. 10 secs, 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour etc.

I am always clear of my purpose

Carefully read the guidance, what does it mean for you? what do you need to do? how can you do it?


Check you are ready to face what lies ahead. Be clear about what you truly want. Once you begin, use your abilities to live your dream.

Video reading

Watch or listen to this reading. observe what you can connect to your chosen word

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