Enjoy your Freedo Reading
What details can you see in the death card? What do they mean? how can you connect them to your chosen word?
The power to manifest the new takes great courage to sacrifice the old. Death of a loved one is painful, but can release their suffering, for others it can be too soon. Death of something good is sad, while death of something bad is welcomed. An end of a job or relationship you love or hate can lead to fear or love. Our cells continuously die yet we thrive..
Repeat this affirmation slow & fast, for as long as you want. 10 secs, 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour etc.
Carefully read the guidance, what does it mean for you? what do you need to do? how can you do it?
To be free from death, we must understand its purpose. Think of something negative in your life, now think of whats negative about that, and now think of whats negative about that. eg: I fear sickness because I hate pain, because it stops me enjoying life. By exploring death we can understand and accept it, and help us feel free.
Video reading
Watch or listen to this reading. observe what you can connect to your chosen word