Enjoy your Freedo Reading
What details can you see in the heart card? What do they mean? how can you connect them to your chosen word?
The heart is home to our dreams (and nightmares) that allow us to face our fear and see the light.
It also homes love, passion and desire, that turns impossible into “I am possible”. It keeps our dreams of a magical life alive. We dream when young, often being destroyed through life and losing belief in them. People tell us to stop day dreaming at school, and they are not real. All manifestation starts with thoughts, images and dreams.
Repeat this affirmation slow & fast, for as long as you want. 10 secs, 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour etc.
Carefully read the guidance, what does it mean for you? what do you need to do? how can you do it?
Dream bigger than ever, without limits, visualise how you want your dream to look in all its glory, think the impossible, extraordinary, bringing your dream to life through your mind and body.
Video reading
Watch or listen to this reading. observe what you can connect to your chosen word