Enjoy your Freedo Reading
What details can you see in the conscious card? What do they mean? how can you connect them to your chosen word?
This is about feeling motivated, making effort, going out of our comfort zone, yet still feeling safe and supported to do so.
Our world is made of structure and order. To build something, we must stretch ourselves, and push the new into our physical reality. To build muscles and stamina we must increase our physical challenges, to create new ideas, we must break boundaries. Stretch out of your comfort zone, knowing and trusting in yourself, as you leave what you know, to step into a world of possibility.
Repeat this affirmation slow & fast, for as long as you want. 10 secs, 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour etc.
I expand into my new reality
Carefully read the guidance, what does it mean for you? what do you need to do? how can you do it?
Make sure you feel safe in your situation before pushing yourself out of your limiting belief. Never over stretch, gently, little by little, edge a bit further in the direction you want to go.
Video reading
Watch or listen to this reading. observe what you can connect to your chosen word