Master Emotions
Do your emotions sometimes get the better of you ?
Many people come to me with emotional issues. In fact I would say the majority of issues are rooted in emotions.
A typical scenario is when a woman goes to her husband upset about a situation going on, and the husband tried to talk to her, understand her situation and give solutions. The woman listens, but disagrees or reacts or avoids or ignores and the husband gets frustrated because in his “mind”, his wife Is not listening to his logical and rational advice. This is because the situation is logical but the woman’s emotions are not. Her emotions are irrational to the mind. Her emotions are the rooted issue that create the problem situations because they want to express themselves for their own reasons that the mind doesn’t and can’t fully understand, just like the husband not being able to fully understand his wife.
Someone will come to me and tell me about a problem. I ask them how they feel about it and what emotions come up for them. They tell me they have fear or often feel stuck or sad or angry, frustrated or some other emotion or feeling that bothers them.
I always ask them what they know about their emotion. Some tell me they have read some books, talked and listened to professionals and those who have experienced these emotions. Many say they have never really looked at their emotions or understood them.
The reason emotions create such problems for people is because they are not understood.
Imagine a child who is angry or sad or scared. If that child is ignored or shut away or shouted at, that child with withdraw and upset themselves or react and upset others.
This is because their emotions are not being understood by themselves or others, because everyone is trying to understand them from the mind, and the mind is only half of the solution.
Imagine a child going swimming for the first time. The child may read a book about swimming, talk to a friend or teacher about how to swim, but no matter how many people they speak to, or how many books they have read, push them in the deep end of the pool and guess what happens? They drown.
This is similar with emotions. Imagine your emotions are like a swimming pool and you have read all the books, spoken to all the teachers and when you fall in to the deep end of your emotional pool, you drown.
Why? Why have humans come so far in history and accomplished so much with technology, science and academia, the arts and crafts yet when it comes to emotions, simple tiny feelings still cause havoc, still control people and ruin lives as they have done for thousands of years.
Understand emotions and you have the other half of the solution. Understand emotions and you can learn to swim.
Imagine surfing on the waves. The currents of the ocean are your emotions. When you are inexperienced thuse currents cause you havoc. You don’t know how to handle them. For a professional surfer, they know how to handle these same currents and waves, they know how to use them to surf well.
Why? Because the professional surfer practiced for a long time, continuing to go in the water to experience surfing on a physical level where their body could learn for itself, in its own way. The body is not the mind. It is completely different, opposite in fact. It doesn’t think like the mind with words and images, it doesn’t understand things through logic and rationality. The body understands and learns through its physical sensations.
Physical sensations are what???
We kind of know what they are, but do we truly? do we truly understand the language of our own body? Most of the people I coach do not. M own journey of learning about my emotions has shown me how little I have known.
Growing up in society, especially western society is great for developing the mind language but terrible for developing the body language.
Imagine taking your head off and then feeling anger in your body. Would your body go crazy, jump around, shout at someone or punch a wall? You might think that but your head is now detached from your body so it can’t actually influence your body to do those things. If your body felt fear, sadness, stuckness, anxiety or any other emotion or feeling, would it act or behave in the way your detached head would think?
To go deeper into this wonderful journey of emotions simply write one of your emotions or feelings (anger, depression, frustration, stuck, irritated, nervous, anxious, etc) that has or does bother you in some way and I will gift you a free phone session where I will take you through a journey where you can discover more about your emotions and how to learn, handle and use them to help you live your dream.
Write your emotion here and allow me to help you, help yourself 🌈