A small excerpt from the Master Fear book
“Hey you! Yes, I’m talking to you, so you better listen to me for your own good.
Some people call me Density, others know me better as the devil or shadow.
I’m the one that makes you feel scared, frozen, where you can’t move a muscle, you can’t think and lose all your power.
I’m here in your life to challenge you, to make or break you. I’m not here to nurture or feel sorry for you.
I’m here to toughen you up, make you strong and powerful. For you to stop being bullied or others taking your energy from you. I am cruel to be kind, and will show you tough love.
I won’t pity you when you’re down, I will keep knocking you down until you find the strength to stand up to me, because when you can do that, you can stand up to anyone or anything.
I won’t give you chances, I won’t help you win, I will keep finding ways to beat you, so you can keep finding ways to stop or handle me.
This is my job and I’m not sorry if you don’t like me, in fact, I want you to hate me, because through hate for me you will also find love for yourself.
I want you to become selfish, to be able to take care of your needs first, as I take care of mine. I’m not about give and take, I’m all about take and take.
It’s a man eat man world you live in, and I’m here to teach you to survive and thrive.
The sooner you realise this, the better your life will be and you can then teach others the same.”
Meet Density
otherwise known as your shadow. He’s the one that makes you uncomfortable, scared, your muscles freeze, confused and generally feel off balance.
Fear can consume you, make you do things you don’t want to.
The good news is you can change this, you can learn to not only cope with fear, not just handle fear, but be able to use fear.
Imagine a lion standing in front of you, standing in the way of what you want. There’s no way you will step forward, in fact you will probably run back as fast as you can. What if you could use the lion, what would you do with it to help you? Perhaps put it behind you to help motivate you to run in the direction of where you want to be, or maybe get the lion to protect you while you head towards your goals.
Imagine a cold river you need to swim across. How challenging could that be for you? Put a lion behind you and I guarantee, you will jump straight in and swim across without a thought.
So, you see, you can use fear to help you.
When you look at this Freedo card “Density”, what do you see? How does it make you feel? For some they feel scared, like there is a horrible beast like creature looking at them, ready to jump out of that box and attack. Others may see a scared defenceless creature, too scared to come out.
Some people see fear in their lives just like that. Some see themselves as the prey while others see themselves as the predator.
Say, your boss calls you in for a meeting to discuss your performance. Are you scared of what you will hear? Are you being fired? Or are you getting praise and a raise? Maybe your boss is the one who’s scared you might leave to get a better job.
Decide whether you want to be prey or predator because how you feel and think influences your behaviour. What you say and how you are perceived by others, affects others thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Fear is the other half of love. They both live in the heart space, that’s why many people are scared to open to love, because with love also comes fear.
Fear of the other person not loving you as much, fear of losing that person, fear they will betray you in some way.
Fear is one of the most complex of all emotions. When we were cavemen, fear was simpler. Fear was a friend because it would help save our lives by producing enough adrenaline to either run as fast as a cheetah or fight like a tiger. Nowadays we don’t need all that fear, our lives are normally not in danger, but that old fear program still runs, and we end up feeling scared of everything. One issue about fear is that it releases adrenaline and other hormones that aren’t being used to save our lives, so all that energy ends up stressing our mind and body.
Fear blinds you, turns the light off on your mind. Stops you from thinking and acting in an optimal way. Fear hides in the shadows until it’s ready to scare you when you’re not ready, unprepared and vulnerable. Often fear catches you when you’re down or off balance, unstable, because it’s easier to affect you.
The fear you see in the “Density” card is in a box with a key hole. The question is whether fear is hiding or escaping. Perhaps fear has the key or do you have it? Who is scared? You or fear? Or are you both one of the same? Are you also fear? Or is fear simply a part of you?
If you’re interested to master fear through Density, go to www.freedomaster.org/density