Enjoy your Freedo Reading
What details can you see in the soul card? What do they mean? how can you connect them to your chosen word?
When a child learns to swim or ride a bike, and they feel supported by a hand of another, they feel confident to continue.
Support in our life is important. It comes from our soul, through animals, nature, home, job, skills and practices, your organs and mind, etc. Recognise where this support comes from. Trust your intuition is always looking out for you, and always tells you what you need to know, through your senses, thoughts and imagination.
Repeat this affirmation slow & fast, for as long as you want. 10 secs, 1 min, 10 mins, 1 hour etc.
Carefully read the guidance, what does it mean for you? what do you need to do? how can you do it?
Sense your soul everywhere, in your body, in your home, the trees around you, the sky above, the sun that warms, the rain that cools, the air you breath and the people you know.
Video reading
Watch or listen to this reading. observe what you can connect to your chosen word