Having a clear vision of what you want and how to get it, is key to having what you want.
Imagine being blindfolded and you can’t see anything. Around you are things you want and things you don’t want.
Also, just to make your life even more challenging, there are different obstacles around you, some could be dangerous if you accidentally walked into them, and there are also holes in the ground you could fall into.
What do you do? Take a chance, running around like a headless chicken, not knowing where to go or how to get there. I hope you have a better idea because this sounds like Russian roulette.
The sad thing is, many if not most people actually live their lives like this. They walk around aimlessly, just trying to survive, scared to change what they are doing for fear of hurting themselves. I don’t blame them.
Ingredients for a good vision

Well, there is a way to do this in your life. You first have to be able to see clearly what it is you exactly want. You need to create a picture in your mind’s eye of your vision. Is it a big house with a nice car, or a straw hut on a paradise island with your kids playing on the beach, or is it you sitting on your throne as king or queen of your world, or a dream job owning a business or a picture of you in perfect health. The clearer your vision is about what you want, the easier it is to get.
The value of a clear destination
The getting part is another ability you will need. Developing your vision in your brain will also help you see the obstacles more clearly and the path you need to take. Getting there is something else I will talk about another time.
For now, you need to develop your clarity. When you see clearly what you want, you have a great chance of making it happen.
Sometimes a person can have a goal, spend a long time and lots of effort reaching it, to finally realize it’s not what they actually wanted. This is because they didn’t see the whole goal, only parts of it. By seeing the big picture you can see exactly what your goal looks like and decide whether the effort is worth it, or perhaps it’s the wrong goal and you can rethink what it is you want.
Importance of having a vision
We have discussed many important factors about having a clear vision, but in my opinion, the most important thing is feeling inspired about life. A clear vision inspires you to keep your dreams alive. It gets you up when you’re feeling down, and motivates you to go through obstacles and challenges that face you in your journey to your vision.
Keeping your vision alive
People often give up on their dreams, children being told to stop daydreaming at school, as teenagers we are told to be realistic and that we are not living in reality, or being told to stop chasing a dream. This demotivated us, did-empowers us, and makes us smaller than we truly are.
Our human potential can reach much further than we limit ourselves to think. When we limit ourselves, we shrink, becoming much smaller than the person we hoped to be.
A clear vision keeps us moving forward, believing in ourselves and giving us the energy to push through.
So, to keep your vision alive, practice imagining and better still, drawing your vision on paper. Bring it to life so that you can take off your blindfold and see what you want and where to get it.
If you want help, simply get in touch with me for a free ten-minute self-coaching call:
WhatsApp, Telegram or Text 00447956988854
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much I enjoyed writing it. I am offering FREE 10 minute self-coaching calls to help you gain more clarity in your life. Book a free session with me. garywiner@hotmail.co.uk or text/WA/TG on 00447956988854
Take care
Freedo Master
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I’m a midwife mum 2 four kids aged 19, 21,:23 and 30 my eldest born when I’m was 17 in domestic violence so I left to London with her . Had a madlife in Soho adult working jobs.then had the other children and now I’m a nana to her five babies age 6 month to 9…I’m desperately wanting help and my mam died last October and her sisters son who wAs the main boffin only child my cousin seemed great like he had it all it all but he commited suicide last year. I’m isolating and due to my disability I.resigned from midwifery..to. Go back to north east to care for my mam…. I could go on and on … But I’m sad in pain 24/7 I’m killing myself slowly smoking and class a to.. I wonder would you advice on the retreat u offer
Hi Lisa, I can offer you a special coaching session for an intro price £8, text or email me x